I am a clinician-scientist translating core principles of mechanobiology, neurobiology and motor control to Physical Therapist practice in central PA. I maintain an active practice as a Doctor of Physical Therapy under the conviction that scientific translation must be enacted by individuals doing both clinical practice, and scientific inquiry, broadly construed. I am fundamentally interested in the cellular and computational mechanisms connecting movement and the nervous system. As a clinician-scientist, my aim is to translate these findings to clinical populations, particularly those marginalized by conventional medical and biopsychosocial diagnostic frameworks.
brainreg3D at the Penn State Center for Neural Engineering TOP NEW
brainreg3D, a pipeline for manual pixelwise registration of brain regions TOP NEW
I coded a personal pipeline for pixelwise registration of brain regions and decided to package it for broader use. Based off of the vedo and brainrender frameworks, I’ve finished the first tentative version of brainreg3D. This is a python package for the manual registration of 2D images over a 3D brain. Below is the description as found at https... Read More
Acoustic Plethysmography TOP NEW
We’ve been interested in respiration in the lab for some time now, and are looking for a more accurate measure of respiration than thermocouples can allow for. Further, we need it to be compatible with our two-photon microscope setup, which is challenging. Over the past year, undergrad Brett Westgate set out to design and build an acoustic pleth... Read More